‘Filthy Fridays’ Means You Could Win a $1,200 Whole House Floor Cleaning Grand Prize

‘Filthy Fridays’ Means You Could Win a $1,200 Whole House Floor Cleaning Grand Prize
August 21, 2020

We hereby declare all Friday mornings are “Filthy Fridays” until further notice! Be listening every Friday morning for the All Brite Cleaning And Restoration ‘Filthy Fridays’ sounder.

(Sounds like this)

Be the 7th caller after the sounder plays, and win a $100 gift card AND qualify for a chance to win floor cleanings FOR THE WHOLE HOUSE valued up to $1,200 from All Brite Cleaning & Restoration.

Between the kids at home, and working from home, the floors are getting 3 times the wear and tear these days. That’s why we’ve teamed up with All Brite to make your floors All Brite and Clean. Restore your floors back to new from 105.5 JYY and All Brite Cleaning and Restoration.